Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Haircuts and Spiritual Loads.

So, for the first time in my life, I had my haircut in a real hairdressers. It was a lovely experience, I had about 6" cut off my hair and in places even more than that! Why am I telling you this, because my hair actually weighs a lot. I didn't realise quite how heavy it was, until it was gone, at which point it felt like a huge load had been lifted off my shoulders, it even became easier to sit up. Whilst that in itself is a rather obvious point, how often do we carry metaphorical loads, that weigh us down? 

On Sunday, Matthew Porter (the vicar at St Michael le Belfrey) based his talk on simplicity in the Christian life, and how we should "throw off everything that hinders and the sin that easily entangles" Hebrews 12:1. As I cycled home today, with my shoulders light from my lack of hair, it made me think about what Matthew challenged us on. 

For those who know me, you'll know my diary dictates my life, and my diary is never empty. The combination of doing a Chemistry degree and having an inability to say 'no' (because everything sounds great!) means I have little 'me' time. I take on too much, and consequently push God out. 

Yes, that right, I push God out. I push out the God who says

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

God calls out to us, and asks to help us with our loads, and yet I know I often smile, in that polite British way and say "It's okay God, I'm fine, I'm in complete control" whilst hoping the all knowing God fails to notice my life failing around me. I need to acknowledge the fact that I'm not okay, and my life certainly isn't. I need to work out what spiritual loads I'm carrying, so I can "throw off everything that hinders" because I know that I carry a lot of burdens around with me on a daily basis. I have chained painful things to myself that I should cut away, I carry the burdens of friends, the stresses of my life, the fears for my future and the guilt from my past. I carry a lot, and I need Jesus to help me to throw off my load so I can keep going without getting weighed down.

So I challenge you this; is it time for your spiritual haircut?

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Christianity and Homosexuality.

The Church has a bad press about it's attitude towards homosexuality, and whilst I don't want this blog to discuss what the Bible says in regards to homosexuality, because everyone has different opinions, I want to draw the attention away from this widely debated topic, and onto other parts of scripture which are often ignored

The majority of times 'sexual immorality' is mentioned in the Bible, especially in the New Testament  it is listed in a list of 'sins.' Why? Because, a sin is a sin, there are not big sins or little sins. They all have an equal weighting to God, because we have turned away from him and his rule. And yet, the Church often portrays sexual sin, especially homosexuality, as a massive sin, when it's not. Therefore, as a sinner, how can I condemn someone else who sins? I can't. Because they could point out the places in my life where I sin. Whilst I believe being accountable to other Christians is important, mentally condemning others who I see 'sin worse than me' is wrong. Utterly wrong.

Why? Matthew says:

One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with his question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 
Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." 

Matthew 22:36-40

Because Jesus says that loving one another is the second most important thing, and how can I love someone if I always condemn them? I don't see that as love, through loving them I may talk about what I see as wrong in their life, but in all they do I should support them even if I believe they will be hurt in the end. 

Lets say, my non-christian friend dated a guy with girlfriend. I would say it was wrong, but I wouldn't stop being her friend, and I would always be there to listen to what they'd done and then support her if/when he hurt her. Why? Because she's my friend and I love her, just because what I see she is doing is wrong doesn't stop me loving her. 

In the same way, as Christians I feel we are called to love everyone, it Jesus loved the outcasts of society, and so we should also love everyone even if what we believe that the lifestyle they live is against that of the bible. Jesus spoke to prostitutes and tax collectors, his best friends were fishermen, and so, as Christians we should also reflect that love. We should love accountants and politicians, we should be-friend people for who they are rather than the labels that society gives people.

I don't know whether I want the bill for gay marriage to be passed, I can see pros and cons for each argument  but I know whatever happens I am called to love other people for that is what God has called me to do foremost. 

Sunday, 10 February 2013


I've not blogged for a while, because I've not felt like it. And yet, there are so many things I feel I should blog about. I'm currently sat at home, and I'm meant to be working, listening to the Rugby. My sister travels out to South Africa next weekend, so I'm home to see her for the last time in three and a half months. 

Which is making me think about my own trip to Uganda in the summer, all I learnt, and all the things I wanted to change about myself, which I haven't. But, I wonder how have I changed, because I know I am different to the person I was seven months ago when I arrived in Uganda, I know I am different to the person I was before I left home and came to York. And now, as I've reached the halfway point of my third year I wonder what God has in store for me in the future. 

Next year will be different, I'll be a masters student, so I'll have a different student experience than I've been enjoying for the last three years. I'll be living with new people, and a lot of my friends will no longer be in York. I don't know what I'll be doing my research in, where I will be living, but I know that God knows. And that gives me hope. 

I still don't feel close to God, but I still know he's part of my life, I know that he's in control, and he knows what I'm currently feeling. Since my blog 'Deserts and Doubts' I've discovered a new song, whilst I cried the first time I listed to it, it now gives me strength to face each day and helps me to remember whatever is happening God is in control. 

"This is my prayer in the desert
When all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is a God who provides."