The majority of times 'sexual immorality' is mentioned in the Bible, especially in the New Testament it is listed in a list of 'sins.' Why? Because, a sin is a sin, there are not big sins or little sins. They all have an equal weighting to God, because we have turned away from him and his rule. And yet, the Church often portrays sexual sin, especially homosexuality, as a massive sin, when it's not. Therefore, as a sinner, how can I condemn someone else who sins? I can't. Because they could point out the places in my life where I sin. Whilst I believe being accountable to other Christians is important, mentally condemning others who I see 'sin worse than me' is wrong. Utterly wrong.
Why? Matthew says:
One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with his question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
Matthew 22:36-40
Matthew 22:36-40
Because Jesus says that loving one another is the second most important thing, and how can I love someone if I always condemn them? I don't see that as love, through loving them I may talk about what I see as wrong in their life, but in all they do I should support them even if I believe they will be hurt in the end.
Lets say, my non-christian friend dated a guy with girlfriend. I would say it was wrong, but I wouldn't stop being her friend, and I would always be there to listen to what they'd done and then support her if/when he hurt her. Why? Because she's my friend and I love her, just because what I see she is doing is wrong doesn't stop me loving her.
In the same way, as Christians I feel we are called to love everyone, it Jesus loved the outcasts of society, and so we should also love everyone even if what we believe that the lifestyle they live is against that of the bible. Jesus spoke to prostitutes and tax collectors, his best friends were fishermen, and so, as Christians we should also reflect that love. We should love accountants and politicians, we should be-friend people for who they are rather than the labels that society gives people.
I don't know whether I want the bill for gay marriage to be passed, I can see pros and cons for each argument but I know whatever happens I am called to love other people for that is what God has called me to do foremost.
Wonderfully put :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Mariann, it was a bit nervous to post my views!
ReplyDeleteHi Jess, really like what you say about loving all. It's God's number one aim that we all become just like his son and Jesus is loving enough to die for us. We also should be willing to die for the least - wow. But why did he have to die - because of sin, sin separates us from God. In 1Cor6:18 Paul says "Flee sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body...". The Bible does set sexual sins apart. Why? Because Christians are temples of the Holy Spirit. And to defile yourself is to defile the temple of the Lord. The root is idolatry. It is an adultery and betrayal of our bridegroom, Christ. So how should we treat those who sin sexually? I myself have been thinking about gay marriage the last few weeks. Just earlier I opened my Bible at 1Cor5, Paul says that we should not judge those outside the church but "anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater, or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat." I know you probably agree with me on these points but I don't think you need have doubts on whether the bill should be past. Marriage was made by God, it's not his plan to weaken it with sin. It's his plan to fulfil it in Jesus. Homosexuality is forbidden because it is not God's best for us, it is not loving to a person to show their vice sympathy - they need to be set free.
ReplyDeleteSee I agree with all of that Alec, and I can see the argument so strongly against single sex marriage. But, Jesus socialised with the prostitutes, the sexual immoral of his day. Was perceived to be wrong in doing so by the religious leaders, so are we now doing the same on those we deem 'sexual immoral.' And also, if we truly love the gay community, why wouldn't we want them to have equal rights. I just don't know. I want to know what I truly believe, but I don't. I think marriage is a God given gift, so does that mean we should 'ban' marriage from everyone that is religious? Or should we 'allow' it to become the secular commitment that it already is? I feel I should stand on the line as a Christian and say that it's wrong, because I agree it is wrong in the eyes of God, but does that mean I am in the right by doing that?
DeleteAnd that is the role of Jesus. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Lustfully looking at, and thinking sexual thoughts about someone else is equally a sexually immoral sin, and I would place a great deal of money on most everyone falling into that one. Jess I believe you are right, the message I am receiving from the LORD right now is about focusing on the love, let us leave the judgement to the ONE who is in a position to do so. However I do also think that you do not give one set of people 'rights' by taking away the rights of others.
ReplyDeleteLove is a funny word. I feel that we may be using it slightly differently. But most basically, isn't love the strong desire and effort for another's absolute best?
ReplyDeleteJesus says that the things that make us unclean are from within. The heart, a man's innermost being, his spirit (the spirit is the bit of us that relates to God, body relates to physical and soul to mental). He says if your hand causes you to sin cut it off. Dallas Willard points out the ridiculousness of this - Jesus must have been being ironic to make a point. Your hand doesn't cause you to sin, nor does your eye - else self mutilation would be beneficial! No. Sin comes from the heart, the spirit. And so we must be born again. Death to sin, an old self dead at the cross, and a new spirit - seated in heavenly realms with Christ.
1Peter1:9 says "for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls." this ongoing goal is a transforming by the renewal of our minds since our inner-man/ spirit is completely and totally saved at once when we are born again.
So what am I getting at? "For you died..." Colossians3:3. This whole issue comes down to identity. Who am I? What defines me? To know Jesus is to have eternal life and to become a new person. Your identity is totally in Jesus. You are a child of God. And more than that, his bride. Jesus socialised with sinners, but he urged them to leave their lives of sin and "follow me". What treasures he has in store for those who will obey him. Love and obedience and closely knit. I want to see people fighting first for the strength of the ONLY relationship that eternally matters - the one between each man and his maker.
I hope you find that relevant. If not no worries. It really isn't about judging, it's about loving well. A parent knows that to let a child have whatever it wants will not always be what is best for them. The question of rights is one that I find confusing. Do our rights go higher than God himself? Do I have the right to question him? I don't know about rights. In a loving relationship, rights get sacrificed. How best can we love the gay community? By making them realise that they're not primarily GAY they are first and foremost BELOVED. God loves them sooo much and want's them for himself. When we realise how deeply God feels about us, things will be a lot clearer all around.
Sorry, only just seen this. But, I agree with what you're saying, and I guess I'm really quite confused with what I want to think regarding the gay marriage, so I think the best thing to concentrate on, for me, is your last point (By making them realise that they're not primarily GAY they are first and foremost BELOVED.) Because, I agree the best thing for everyone is to realise that they are loved by God just the way they are, even with their faults.
DeleteBut, I think the rest of what you said is very good, very challenging, and I think I need to think about it more. Not just in relation to this issue, but in relation to my life, because there is a lot of truth for us all in what you said.